[ Cloud Solutions ]

A Revolutionary and Trusted Solution
at an Incredible Cost

Enterprises today are increasingly leveraging cloud technology to make their core business flexible, agile and competitive. Start getting the most of your cloud technologies. 

We work with organizations of all sizes and verticals, offering comprehensive advice and unrivaled expertise in everything cloud. Our dedicated cloud expert ensures that you receive personalized, end-to-end support from assessment and design to deployment and ongoing management of your custom solution. 

At CludoBits we help our customers to deliver better value propositions by implementing a robust cloud strategy. CludoBits can help you increase IT flexibility and performance while keeping operations running smoothly and costs down.


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Public Cloud

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Hybrid Cloud

[ The technology of Inspiration ]

The Benefits of Adopting Cloud Today

With the emergence of new technology comes the fostering of innovation and enablement of growth across today’s dynamic business landscape. Cloud services are a top contender among these disruptive technologies, so much so that they are becoming essential to organizations seeking to realize their digital transformation goals.

As businesses look to overcome operational challenges while also providing better experiences for their customers, they are increasingly turning to cloud solutions to access new capabilities that were once outside of their reach. Even small businesses are turning to cloud, as it’s a more cost-effective way to access the tools they need to remain competitive in an evolving digital landscape.

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Free up existing IT Resources by Cloud

  • 01
    Building a private cloud for your enterprise
  • 02
    Integrating your private cloud with public cloud
  • 03
    Infrastructure and applications on cloud
  • 04
    Simplified Infrastructure Management
In a private cloud, organization sets up a virtualization environment on its own servers, either in its own data centers or in those of a managed services provider. This structure is useful for companies that either have significant existing IT investments or feel they absolutely must have total control over every aspect of their infrastructure. The key advantage of a private cloud is control. You retain full control over your infrastructure, but you also gain all of the advantages of virtualization.
Hybrid Cloud is an integration of both Private and Public Cloud for high efficiency in performing distinct functions in an organization. For example, an environment created mixing On-premise, private cloud and public cloud (i.e. GCP, AWS, Azure). This framework efficiently utilizes the advantages of public resources to upscale their internal resources without risking an overload in case of unexpected spikes in usage.
Cloud computing infrastructure is the collection of hardware and software elements needed to enable cloud computing. It includes computing power, networking, and storage, as well as an interface for users to access their virtualized resources. Applications such as Online Data Storage ,Backup and Recovery, Big data Analysis ,Testing and development, Anti-Virus Applications , Ecommerce Application, Cloud computing in education, E-Governance Application can be deployed on cloud.
In a traditional environment, an organisation’s IT department has to manage a wide range of hardware and software resources. The tasks involve configuration, applying the latest patches and updates, and carrying out upgrades and replacements. Furthermore, workloads and manpower requirements increase with the size of the IT infrastructure. When an organization uses cloud services, their infrastructure management tasks are reduced to managing only those resources that are required to access the cloud services. The cloud infrastructure is managed by the cloud service provider and tasks such as software updates and renewals are handled by the cloud provider. The provider ensures that the cloud infrastructure remains modern and up-to-date with consumer requirement.
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